La découverte de Bois Freynet

Le coût d’exploitation des mines d’anthracite des HBD devenait un problème les pertes

(1) Carreau du Villaret: un carreau de mine regroupe l’ensemble des installations de surface nécessaires au fonctionnement d’une mine.

The powder magazine gallery of Le Villaret

The use of gunpowder in mining has been marred by numerous accidents.
Powder magazines represented an even greater danger because of the quantities stored.
In small mines, a gallery built perpendicularly was used for storage. For larger mines, galleries were built especially for this purpose.
These galleries met special requirements as described below:
– Gallery of small dimensions
– Perpendicular storage gallery
– Decompression gallery in front of the storage gallery
– Vault-shaped gallery with an earth cover to contain a potential explosion.
– Access gallery in the form of a long corridor always with the aim of mitigating the damage produced by the blast effect due to the power of the deflagration.
The goal is to have a « decompression chamber » to mitigate the power of a deflagration.
Other elements are also important, such as ventilation to avoid excess humidity, which is harmful to powders.
Always with a safety objective, the metal parts are not made of iron but of bronze or tin in order to avoid any sparks. The person in charge of the powder magazine wears sandals and not studded clogs to avoid any sparks.
Lighting is also a critical point. You cannot use « naked lights »: a kerosene lamp with a protective grid is used to increase safety.
The galleries on level 12 also had their powder magazine located in a dedicated gallery at one end of the Villaret tile (1). It was located slightly above the tile and leaned against the mountain to comply with safety regulations.
Today there are only a few remains of concrete scattered on the ground which unfortunately do not allow us to precisely locate the position of the gallery. When the gallery was made safe in 1997, the two buildings that made it up on the outside were destroyed. The gallery was backfilled and covered with topsoil to erase all traces.

(1) Carreau du Villaret: a mine tile comprises all the surface installations necessary for the operation of a mine.

Vue du pan de mur le long de la route (source Google Maps) / View from the side of the wall along the road (source Google Maps)

Entouré en rouge les vestiges du plan niveau 10 vers Le Crey, entouré en bleu le grand plan incliné (source Geoportail) / Surrounded in red the remains of the level 10 plane towards Le Crey, surrounded in blue by the large inclined plane (source Geoportail).

Fiche technique / Datasheet
Galerie de la poudrière du Villaret
Village / Village : Susville
Nom du lieu / Name of place :
Accessible / Availability : Oui / Yes
Type de minerai / Type of ore : Explosif / Explosivel
Type exploitation / Type operating : Galerie souterraine / Underground galleryl
État galerie / State gallery : Non visible / Not visible :
Année d’exploitation / Year of operation :
Production / Products :
Commentaires / Comments :
Coordonnées lat / Lat coordinates : 44.921847
Coordonnées lon / Lon coordinates : 5.777846
Numéro de dossier BSS / File number BSS

Galerie photos / Photo gallery



Accessibilité / Accesibility